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德国开姆尼茨工业大学Peter Häussler教授学术讲座通知
时间: 2018-10-19      点击数:

主讲人:Peter Häussler   教授

题  目:Materials Genome and the emergence of structures and properties

时  间:2018.10.24 , 2014.10.27       10:00      (共2场)

地  点:三束实验室二楼会议室



Materials Genome and the emergence of structures and properties

P. Häussler

Chemnitz University of Technology, Physics Institute, 09107 Chemnitz, GERMANY

The condensation of a cloud of atoms to a liquid is claimed to be the most complex problem in science still not understood [1,2]. The application of Schrödinger’s equation, statistical physics, as well as Thermodynamics are in-adequate either due to the extreme huge number of parameters for the first two, or the absence of distances and angles in the latter. In addition, structure-property relations are also often not understood either.

Triggered by new experimental findings, we developed a fundamental new approach, based on Materials Genome and resonances between two global subsystems [3], which act collectively and thus reduce the number of parameters tremendously to just a few. By an exchange of characteristic momenta and/or angular-momenta, both subsystems self-organize and adjust optimally their internal structural features, as there are distances, angles, as well as the particle density. Both global subsystems come into resonance, with bonding- and anti-bonding states atEF– the bonding state representing the new phase.I extend the modelby the physical quantityinformationwhich describes the emergence of order.

I present the theoretical back-ground, as simple as possible, and the experimental tools, show the experimental evidence of the model for liquid elements all-over thePeriodic Table of the Elements, which contains simple atomic-, molecular- or noble-gas systems, as well as structural complex systems as semiconductors and TM- or RE-elements, contains metals and insulators. The model is able to deal with all of them. I also describe the transition to the corresponding crystalline phases and may (if there is time enough) show the application of the model to alloys too.

We become able to predict or tailor major structural features and related physical properties of yet unknown new phases much more targeted than ever before. The model is formally in line with other models in other fields of science describing structure-forming processes in their own fields – unifies the description of our natural surroundings.

[1] P. W. Anderson, Science177, No. 4047, 393 (1972)

[2] R. B. Laughlin, D. Pines, Proc. National Ac. Sciences, USA,97, 28 (2000)

[3] H.Nowak, P. Häussler, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids,250-252, 389 (1999)



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